Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nicholas - one month old

Nicholas, you are a dream baby.  You LOVE to be in the swing -- you just fall asleep right away!  If only you would sleep for more than 3 hours during the night  :)  You are a champ of a sleeper during the day, though.  You are such a content baby; you barely fuss and cry.   You have 3 cries:  I'm hungry (bird call/shreek), I'm gassy (grunty), I'm sleepy (cooing-cry).  

It's been a month since you were born and we love you as much as ever.  Your brother, Sam, adores you -- always wants to kiss you on the cheeks, says how cute and little you are, gives you your "paci" when you fuss, and is a great helper to me when I change your diapers.

I just love being your Mom.  xoxo

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